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Where does glance store Images from Openstack

When I SSH to glance server there are no images in var/lib/glance/images

root@Glance:/var/lib/glance# ls
glance.sqlite  image-cache  images

All folders are empty, glance.sqlite is 27kb

So where are all Images? My goal is to find them and copy to another Openstack.


  • Why not try?

    glance image-list
    glance image-download your_image_id_here > your_image_name.your_image_format


    glance image-download 5dde2692-e20c-4c16-a5ff-e9478e14114c > cirros_32bit.qcow2

    Then you can put them anywhere you want.

    make sure you have sourced the credentials or you have to manually pass them as options to the glance command.

    export OS_USERNAME=your_username
    export OS_PASSWORD=your_password
    export OS_TENANT_NAME=your_tenant_name
    export OS_AUTH_URL=http://your_keystone_ip:35357/v2.0

    Meanwhile the images are under /var/lib/glance/images/