I have problem with Cake PHP delete javascript confirmation dialog.
I am using this code:
<td><?php echo $this->Html->link('Delete',
array('controller' => 'RealEstate', 'action' => 'delete',$r['RealEstate']['id']),
array('onclick'=>'return confirm(\"Are you sure?\");'))?> </td>
and this produce html:
<td><a onclick='return confirm(\"Are you sure?\");' href="/cake1/RealEstate/delete/65">Delete</a> </td>
as you can see this produce wrong Html.
How to fix this ?
FIXED: Problem was in back slashes \"Are you sure?\", just removed \ and this works well "Are you sure?"
FIXED: Problem was in back slashes \"Are you sure?\", just removed \ and this works well "Are you sure?"