I am trying to use the following code to get the number of alarms currently set on the phone.
Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://com.android.deskclock/AlarmClock");
Cursor c = getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null,null);
But I get a NullPointerException
when I try to fetch the number using
int num = c.getCount();
System.out.println("No of alarms : "+c.getCount());
Please let me know what I am doing wrong ? The exception occurs in getCount() itself so I am not able to display the number of alarms.
EDIT: I also get this message on my LogCat :
ActivityThread(13290): Failed to find provider info for com.android.deskclock
The Uri
you're looking for is content://com.android.deskclock/alarms
, but you can't access the app's ContentProvider
because it isn't exported. You'll just throw a SecurityException