We have an app that generates complex JSON objects whose properties and values have been converted to hexadecimals. How can I revert them them to strings?
Sample Object:
"6e616d65": "43616e616461",
"636f6465": "4341"
"6e616d65": "4a61736d696e652048656174686572",
"67656e646572": "66",
Code so far:
var data = require( './data.json' );
var parsed = {};
Object.keys( data ).forEach( function( key, index, keys )
var prop = new Buffer( key, 'hex' ).toString();
var value = new Buffer( data[ key ], 'hex' ).toString();
parsed[ prop ] = value;
console.log( parsed );
But this code only works on simple JSON objects with simple key-value pairs.
You need to do type check and recursion. Although this code did not use it, I also suggest you to use underscore.js to simplify looping and type checking.
var data = {
"6e616d65": "43616e616461",
"636f6465": "4341"
"6e616d65": "4a61736d696e652048656174686572",
"67656e646572": "66",
var unpack = function(hex) {
return new Buffer( hex, 'hex' ).toString();
var convert_object = function(data) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
return unpack(data);
} else if (Array.isArray( data )) {
return data.map(convert_object);
} else if (typeof data === 'object') {
var parsed = {};
Object.keys( data ).forEach( function( key, index, keys ) {
parsed[ unpack(key) ] = convert_object( data[key]);
return parsed;
} else {
throw ("Oops! we don't support type: " + (typeof data));
console.log( convert_object(data) );