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How to save a string too large for a column?

I have this Domain Class:

class Jobs {

String query

static constraints = {
    query(maxSize: 63760)
    query type: "text"

 static mapping = {
//And I tried all this:
// sqlType: "char", length:63760
// query sqlType: DbSupport.bigStringType
// table 'HYPJobs'
//query sqlType: "text"
//query(nullable: true, maxSize: 64000)
// query type:'materialized_clob',sqlType: "clob"


but When I run it I still having this error:

ORA-12899: value too large for column "Myproject"."JOBS"."QUERY" (actual: 1395, maximum: 255)

Anyone ???


  • This should work

    class Jobs {
      String query
      static constraints = {
        query maxSize: 63760 // remove this unless you really want to limit the size to 63760
      static mapping = {
        query type: 'text'