For some wierd reason that I can't understand right now I can't fetch more than 3 row from an table in a page
This is the page.
I want to parse the table at the bottom.
Since there is only one table in the page I made my Xpath really simple.$xpath -> query('//tr')
If I do the following
echo $xpath -> query('//tr')->lenght;
I get 3
Why Am i getting 3
there is 9 row there, I should get 9
Edit This is the code I Use
$Dom = new DOMDocument();
@$Dom -> loadHTML($this->html);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($Dom);
echo $xpath -> query('//tr')->lenght;
And please note that $this->html is the raw html from the previous link in my post.
HTML source on this page is not valid for XML.
If you open the source code of the page and will look for a tag <tr>
, it also has 3 elements.
Table row products do not have opening tag <tr>
For this problem, you can use regular expressions to normalize the contents of the table.
$html = file_get_contents('');
preg_match('`<tbody>(.*)<\/tbody>`', $html, $matches);
if (!empty($matches)) {
$tableBody = str_replace('</tr><td', '</tr><tr><td', $matches[1]);