I'm building (multiple) complex webservice
with base XSD
types from all kinds of standards (GML, SWE, XLINK, etc)
. Now, I would like to break up the compilation into more steps, preferrably one for each of the standards I'm using.
1) I can add create tooling libraries that I can re-use in all of my webservices on each of the standards.
2) I can make use of the power of JAXB2 basics plugin
, which seems to work very nicely with the maven-jaxb2-plugin (org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2)
and create for instance interface bindings. This in contrast with the jaxws-maven-plugin plugin.
The final step would be using the org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons:maven-jaxb2-plugin
to create the actual web service that I can implement in an EJB (or call as a client).
Now, the org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin
plugin allows me to refer to episodes by means of their maven coordinate, as part of its like this:
How can I do this by means of the org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons:maven-jaxb2-plugin
? I've searched a lot, and experimented like this:
Which takes the episode file from the target dir of the (compiled) JAXB dependend project. This sometimes even fails in the maven build (why I did not figure out yet).
I've tried to use catalog files to make a mapping but (I think I saw somewhere a catalog mapping that took maven coordinates as destination), but haven't succeeded yet.
Are you aware of the OGC Schemas and Tools Project? (Disclaimer: I'm the author.)
Now, to your question. My guess would be that org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons:maven-jaxb2-plugin
does not support the "Maven coordinates" as you call them. This was a feature I've specifically implemented for my org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin
(disclaimer: I'm the author).
From the other hand, episode file is nothing but a JAXB binding file. So you can simply extract this file from the JAR artifact (for instance using the maven-dependency-plugin
) and then include it more or less like you do it already. Just don't point to directories in other modules, this is not reliable.