I'm doing an estimation using a lot of dummy variables. However I am not interested in the estimation coefficient of some dummy variable. I use them just for controling other variables. I just want to specify that I have used them
I would like to know if I could get a setting like the following by using stargazer: ?
Reg 1 Reg 2
| covariates 1 | 21*** 20 ***
(0.2) (0.12)
| covariate 2 | 0.5 0.3***
(0.4) (0.13)
|dummmy variable| No Yes
It's possible to have this setting using 3 options in stargazer namely,
The code would sound like:
stargazer(Reg1, Reg2, omit="dummyVariable", omit.label="dummy variable", omit.yes.no=c("Yes", "No"))
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