I'm wrapping my head around creating a Yeoman generator, so that Yeoman can generate our boilerplate whenever a new project is started.
The building blocks of this boilerplate should be version controlled. So I assume the generator (which will contain the rules for creating the boilerplate) should be hosted on github.
Which leads me to the question: if the generator itself is hosted on github, how will Yeoman save me any time? Because in order to use the latest version of the generator I would have to pull it off off github anyhow (which I could just as well do with the boilerplate itself, if it were hosted on github).
Or am I misunderstanding where a Yeoman generator is located? Because as I understand it you have to have it locally, or use one of the generators from the public repo.
You can quite easily publish it to npm using the command npm publish
. Then you can install and upgrade it just like any other npm module. I did it myself for my first Yeoman generator and it's pretty straightforward.