Using MuPAD, I want to find out if at least one solution exists for a set of of linear inequalities. For example, the following system of linear inequalities:
which I solve in MuPAD by:
and MuPAD returns the set of solutions, in some type of notation:
However, I do not care about the exact form of the solution set, i.e., whether it is finite, or infinite, I just care if there is at least one viable solution.
I would like to call MuPAD from Matlab, ask if a solution set exists to the inequalities, and then get back a "yes" or "no" answer. I could test for the empty set being returned, but I do not know how to test if a symbolic variable represents the empty set.
Here's an example using MuPAD's solve
and sym/isempty
called from Matlab:
syms x y z;
~isempty(feval(symengine,'solve',[x+z>2*y,z>y,2*z>2*x,x>0,y>0,z>0],[x y z]))
~isempty(feval(symengine,'solve',[x+z>2*y,z>y,2*z>2*x,x>0,y>0,z<0],[x y z]))
The first case returns true, 1
, indicating that there is at least one solution. The second returns false, 0
, as there is no solution.
If you want to do this within MuPAD, you can use the is
However, the first case will return UNKNOWN
, which is rather difficult to deal with. You may want to use something like the following instead:
which assumes that only an empty solution, Ø, will have a length
of one. (The MuPAD code is two characters, {}
, but it displays as one, Ø, has a length of one, and means empty/zero.) There are probably other ways.