I need to execute a mssql stored procedure for each element in my array, how do I do this... I have an example here, but it's only executing ONCE. Im guessing the DB is locked while executing the first time and that's why it's only executing once.
Should I make a recursive function? and only run the procedure if the output it TRUE??
here is my code:
function executeStoreProcedure($movementsArray = array(), $mssql_link) {
$spName = "SDNuevaOperacion";
foreach($movementsArray as $movement) {
$statement = mssql_init("SDNuevaOperacion", $mssql_link);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@PRSLink", $movement["client_id"], SQLINT1);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@UserLogged", $movement["imei"], SQLVARCHAR, false, false, 30);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@AutoInc", $movement["move_id"], SQLINT1);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@Fecha", $movement["move_date"], SQLVARCHAR);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@CantBotEntr", $movement["delivery"], SQLINT1);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@CantBotRet", $movement["withdrawal"], SQLINT1);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@Pago", $movement["payment"], SQLFLT8);
$isBinded = mssql_bind($statement, "@Resultado", $output, SQLVARCHAR, true, false, 2);
$retval = mssql_execute($statement);
$result = $output;
return $result;
Try the same with the return outside of the loop ;)
The first time it is reached, the function exits, so nothing else is done.
You can use exceptions mechanism if you want to stop execution if an error occurs.