I have two large multidimensional arrays: Y
carries three measurements of half a million objects (e.g. shape=(500000,3)
) and X
has same shape, but contains position of Y
At first, I would like for each row, containing an object, to fit a polynomial equation. I know that iterating over arrays are quite slow, but what I'm doing for the moment is:
fit = array([polyfit(X[i],Y[i],deg) for i in xrange(obs.shape[0])])
My question is: is there any possibility of fitting each row of both arrays without explicitly iterating over them?
It is possible to do so without iterate along the first axis. However, your second axis is rather short (being just 3), you can really fit no more than 2 coefficients.
In [67]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as so
In [68]:
def MD_ployError(p, x, y):
'''if x has the shape of (n,m), y must be (n,m), p must be (n*p, ), where p is degree'''
#d is no. of degree
p_rshp=p.reshape((x.shape[0], -1))
for i in range(p_rshp.shape[1]):
return (f**2).sum()
In [69]:
X=np.random.random((100, 6))
In [70]:
MD_ployError(P, X, Y)
In [71]:
R=so.fmin_slsqp(MD_ployError, P, args=(X, Y))
Iteration limit exceeded (Exit mode 9) #you can increase iteration limit, but the result is already good enough.
Current function value: 0.00243784856039
Iterations: 101
Function evaluations: 30590
Gradient evaluations: 101
In [72]:
R.reshape((100, -1))
array([[ 3.94488512, 2.25402422, 2.74773571],
[ 4.00474864, 1.97966551, 3.02010015],
[ 3.99919559, 2.0032741 , 2.99753804],