forgive me for the newbie question... I'm sure this has a pretty straightforward solution. i just could not find anything that concisely explained it to me online. I have a JSON as such:
var POSTOBJ = {
"Subject" : {
"BiographicData" : [
"Key" : "BarcodeID",
"Value" : "567891234"
"Key" : "Gender",
"Value" : "Male"
"Key" : "BirthDate",
"Value" : "8/20/1964"
"Key" : "Name",
"Value" : "Success"
"GroupID" : "84",
"ClientID" : "8"
All I want do do is add another Key/Value pair but instead of hardcoding the value I need to put a variable instead. So I have var val = hex2a(....)
where val stores the output of a barcode scan. All I want to do here is put that value into my JSON. Something to this effect:
var POSTOBJ = {
"Subject" : {
"BiographicData" : [
"Key" : "BarcodeID",
"Value" : "567891234"
"Key" : "BarcodePayload",
"Value" : val;
"Key" : "Gender",
"Value" : "Male"
"Key" : "BirthDate",
"Value" : "8/20/1964"
"Key" : "Name",
"Value" : "Success"
"GroupID" : "84",
"ClientID" : "8"
I did some poking around the JSON.stringify method but I couldn't find a guide that outlined how I'd go about doing this. Thanks so much for the help :) much appreciated
Since its an array of objects, just create your object:
var newObject = {
"Key" : "BarcodePayload",
"Value" : val
And push
to the array: