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Call Activator for constructor with params parameter

I am trying to instantiate a type using Activator's reflection magic. Unfortunately the type I want to instantiate has a params parameter of type object. See this extract:

public class Foo
    public Foo(string name, params object[] arguments)

And the instantiation goes here:

public static class Bar
    public static object Create(params object[] arguments)
        return Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Foo), "foo", arguments);

Now, this effectively results in a constructor call with the signature

new Foo(string, object[])

because object[] is also object.

What I actually want is:

new Foo(string, object, object, object, ...)

Is this even possible with Activator? Or how do I instantiate a type with such a parameter type?


  • params is a purely-compile-time syntactic sugar.
    The runtime, including the parameter binding used by reflection, ignores it.

    You need to pass a normal array, just like a non-params parameter.

    In your case, it sounds like you're trying to not call the params overload.

    You need to build a single (flattened) array containing all of the parameters you want to pass:

    object[] args = new object[arguments.Length + 1];
    args[0] = "foo";
    arguments.CopyTo(args, 1);