I'm trying to get the rotation of the device in rubymotion. I added this piece of code in the viewDidLoad.
@motionManager = CMMotionManager.alloc.init
@motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 1.0
if (@motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable)
queue = NSOperationQueue.currentQueue
@motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue(queue, withHandler:lambda do |motion, error|
NSLog "error = %@", error
NSLog "rotation rate = [%f, %f, %f]", motion.rotationRate.x, motion.rotationRate.y, motion.rotationRate.z
NSLog "Device Motion is not available: You're likely running this in a simulator"
But it always logs this:
rotation rate = [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
What is wrong with what I do?
In RubyMotion, floats are actually objects, so you need to use %@
NSLog "rotation rate = [%@, %@, %@]", motion.rotationRate.x, motion.rotationRate.y, motion.rotationRate.z
If you wanted to format the numbers (e.g. to 3 decimal places), you would need to format the arguments separately:
NSLog "rotation rate = [%@, %@, %@]", "%.3f" % motion.rotationRate.x, "%.3f" % motion.rotationRate.y, "%.3f" % motion.rotationRate.z
See this twitter conversation with one of the RubyMotion developers.