I want to select the text that is between the last '{' and '}' of a richtextbox text. I have the next code, but I have an error on the "LastIndexOf" function and I don't know how to fix it. Can someone give me some help?
private void highlightText()
mRtbxOperations.SelectionStart = mRtbxOperations.Text.LastIndexOf(@"{", 1, mRtbxOperations.SelectionStart);
mRtbxOperations.SelectionLength = mRtbxOperations.Text.IndexOf(@"}", mRtbxOperations.SelectionStart, mRtbxOperations.Text.Length - 1);
mRtbxOperations.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightBlue;
mRtbxOperations.SelectionFont = new Font(mRtbxOperations.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Underline);
mRtbxOperations.SelectionLength = 0;
LastIndexOf Error:
The count must be positive and must refer to a location within the string, array or collection. Parameter name: count
You LastIndexOf parameters are messed up, as well as the Length of the selection, where you need to substract the starting point in order to get the proper length.
Try a simpler version:
int textStart = mRtbxOperations.Text.LastIndexOf(@"{",
if (textStart > -1) {
int textEnd = mRtbxOperations.Text.IndexOf(@"}", textStart);
if (textEnd > -1) {
mRtbxOperations.Select(textStart, textEnd - textStart + 1);
mRtbxOperations.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightBlue;