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ServiceStack and entity framework Lazy Loading

I'm migrating our WCF web services to ServiceStack. Supose we have 3 entities. Let them be A, B and C.

  • A is father of B.
  • A is father of C.

In WCF we would have 3 methods to get A with his children:

public List<A> GetAWithBIncluded()
    return Repository.A.Include("B").ToList();

public List<A> GetAWithCIncluded()
    return Repository.A.Include("C").ToList();

public List<A> GetAWithBAndCIncluded()
    return Repository.A.Include("B").Include("C").ToList();

I'm having enormous difficult to translate this process to ServiceStack manner. Can you guys provide some examples?

The best I came up with is:

public class AResponse
    public List<A> As {get;set;}
    ....//One list of each type.

We know we cannot use WCF with lazyloading, but can ServiceStack and ormlite do the trick of fully automated process of data access without overcharging the application?


  • If you're using EF, I would probably do something like this:

    public class GetAs : IReturn<List<A>>
        public bool IncludeB { get; set; }
        public bool IncludeC { get; set; }
    public class AService : Service
        private readonly AContext _aContext;
        public AService(AContext aContext)
            _aContext = aContext;
        public object Get(GetAs req)
            var res = _aContext.As;
            if (req.IncludeB)
                res = res.Include("B");
            if (req.IncludeC)
                res = res.Include("C");
            return res.ToList();