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How to connect Oracle database 11g Server on FoxPro 9

How to connect remote oracle database 11g server in FoxPro?


  • It should be relatively simple provided you have the data provider installed.

    I would start by looking at the connection string requirements

    With that, you can get a handle to the database via

    cConnectionString = "Driver = blah;Server=blah; etc from connection string website reference";
    nHandle = SQLStringConnect( cConnectionString )
    if nHandle < 1
       messagebox( "Unable to connect" )
    */ Once connected, you can then query the database
    nResult = SQLExec( nHandle, "select * from yourTable", "cursorResultSentBackToVFPSide" )
    if nResult < 1
       messagebox( "Error querying data" )
    */ If you need to parameterize something, a local variable in your routine can be used 
    */ and will be applied by using the "?" place-holder, such as
    lnSomeIDYouWant = 1234
    lcSQLCmd = "select * from SomeTable where SomeKey = ?lnSomeIDYouWant order by blah"
    nResult = SQLExec( nHandle, lcSQLCmd, "C_VFPAlias" )

    The parameters can be of almost any type (except for things like general/binary which might need alternate measures, but the others like logical, numeric, date, string all no problems).