All I have found about the Windows Task Scheduler results are short details about just a few codes.
Does anybody knows about a complete list?
For example, I have not been able to locate anything about the error code 0xFF.
EDIT:For example, if I add this task (for testing a command line program called "Notifu"):
schtasks /create /tn "NotifuTest" /tr "d:\Temporal\Notifu\notifu64.exe /m 'Test'" /sc minute /mo 1 /sd 10/10/2010 /ru "SYSTEM"
The same command has been verified working by command-line.
This is the result (sorry, my Windows is in spanish); note the 0xFF
(the program seems to be executing, but with no results:
Process exit codes are process specific. By convention a value of zero indicates success. The only reserved value is STILL_ACTIVE
which has value 259 (0x103). That is returned by GetExitCodeProcess
when the process is still active. To understand what the values mean you will have to consult the documentation of the process in question.