A configuration file generally needs section headers for each section. In rsyncd config files a global section need not explicitly have a section header. Example of an rsyncd.conf file:
path = /data/ftp
pid file = /var/run/rsyncdpid.pid
syslog facility = local3
uid = rsync
gid = rsync
read only = true
use chroot = true
How to parse such config files using python ConfigParser
Doing the following gives an erorr:
>>> import ConfigParser
>>> cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
>>> cp.read("rsyncd.conf")
# Error: ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.
Alex Martelli provided a solution for using ConfigParser to parse similar files (which are section less files). His solution is a file-like wrapper that will automatically insert a dummy section.
You can apply the above solution to parsing rsyncd config files.
>>> class FakeGlobalSectionHead(object):
... def __init__(self, fp):
... self.fp = fp
... self.sechead = '[global]\n'
... def readline(self):
... if self.sechead:
... try: return self.sechead
... finally: self.sechead = None
... else: return self.fp.readline()
>>> cp = ConfigParser()
>>> cp.readfp(FakeGlobalSectionHead(open('rsyncd.conf')))
>>> print(cp.items('global'))
[('path', '/data/ftp'), ('pid file', '/var/run/rsyncdpid.pid'), ...]