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MPI_Send or MPI_Recv is giving segmentation fault

I'm trying to calculate pi using mpi c library on hypercube topology. But the execution doesn't proceed the MPI_Send and MPI_Recv part.

I'm using 4 processors!

It seems like none of the processors are receiving any data.

Here's the code, output and the error I'm getting.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Code: After initializations and calculating local mypi at each processor.

  mypi = h * sum;
    printf("Processor %d has local pi = %f", myid, mypi);
    //Logic for send and receive!                                                                                                                                                   
    int k;
    for(k = 0; k < log10(numprocs) / log10(2.0); k++){
      printf("entering dimension %d \n", dimension);
      dimension = k;
      if(decimalRank[k] == 1 && k < e){
        //if it is a processor that need to send then                                                                                                                               
        int destination = 0;
        //find destination processor and send                                                                                                                                       
        destination = myid ^ (int)pow(2,dimension);
        printf("Processor %d sending to %d in dimension %d the value %f\n", myid, destination, dimension,  mypi);

        MPI_SEND(&mypi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, destination, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        printf("Processor %d done sending to %d in dimension %d the value %f\n", myid, destination, dimension, mypi);
        //Else this processor is supposed to be receiving                                                                                                                           
        pi += mypi;
        printf("Processor %d ready to receive in dimension %d\n", myid, dimension);
        printf("Processor %d received value %d in dimension %d\n", myid, pi, dimension);
        pi += mypi;

    done = 1;


mpiexec: Warning: tasks 0-3 died with signal 11 (Segmentation fault).


bcast complete
Processor 0 has local pi = 0.785473
Processor 0 ready to receive in dimension 0
Processor 1 has local pi = 0.785423
Processor 1 sending to 0 in dimension 0 the value 0.785423
Processor 3 has local pi = 0.785323
Processor 3 sending to 2 in dimension 0 the value 0.785323
Processor 2 has local pi = 0.785373
Processor 2 ready to receive in dimension 0


  • MPI_ANY_TAG is not a valid tag value in send operations. It can only be used as a wildcard tag value in receive operations in order to receive messages no matter what their tag value. The sender must specify a valid tag value - 0 suffices in most cases.