I have a pair of coordinates in SRS (Spatial Reference System):
X: 501343.42
Y: 4137351.57
And I want to convert it to Latitude and Longitude.
May be?
Thanks in advance
Your SRS is ETRS89 / UTM zone 30N (see http://epsg.io/25830) used in Europe. Within that coordinate system, X IS your Longitude and Y IS your Latitude. What I suspect you are asking is to reproject those points it into degrees, possibly using the widely common WGS84 coordinate system. If so, there are many ways, for example the command line from the PROJ4 library (which forms the basis for many open source tools)
echo 501343.42 4137351.57 | cs2cs -f "%.6f" +init=epsg:25830 +to +init=epsg:4326
> -2.984825 37.382912 0.000000