I have returned a list of warning classes from the control class like this:
public ActionResult Ex3()
List<warning> warningsList = new List<warning>();
XElement xelem = XElement.Load(transformedFile);
var warnings = from elem in xelem.Descendants("warning")
select elem;
foreach (var v in warnings)
warning warn = new warning();
warn.id = v.Attribute("id").Value;
return View(warningsList);
i have created a view with the option "create a strongly typed view" and i have choose the warning class as a model (razor engine). Now, in Ex3View.cshtml, i want to create and fill a gridpannel with the values in the warningsList. How can i do that ? how can i access these data in the returned list? Please note that the view file is .cshtml and not .aspx.
You can put a Model to a Store's DataSource: