I have the following table structures for which I am trying to obtain a totals and subtotals and show a rollup of the values.
ChartOfAccounts(AccountNumber, AccountDescription, ParentAccountNumber, IsControlAccount)
Ledger(LedgerId, JournalId, AccountNumber, IsDebit, Amount)
I have managed to use CTE to obtain the required Parent-Child relationships but am unsure how to use this get control account balances which rollup into parent accounts.
So far, I have managed to put the following query together which is not entirely what I want --> SQL Fiddle. The current query does not seem to rollup and group the parent-child totals correctly. (I have excluded the year,month columns from the fiddle)
Another way to describe the problem, would be to say that all control accounts should have the total of it's child accounts.
My required output is the following (year, month, AccountNumber, AccountDescription, DebitBalance, CreditBalance, Balance)
|Account#|Acc Desc | DR | CR | BAL |
|1000 |Accounts Receivable |10000 |5000 |5000 |
|1200 |Buyer Receivables |5000 |0 |5000 |
|12001 |Buyer Receivables - Best Buy |5000 |0 |5000 |
|1500 |Offers |5000 |5000 |0 |
|4000 |Accounts Payable | |4475.06 |4475.06 |
|4100 |Supplier Invoice Payables | |4475.06 |4475.06 |
|41002 |Supplier Invoice Payables - Knechtel | |4475.06 |4475.06 |
|6000 |Revenue | |524.93 |524.93 |
|6100 |Membership Fees Revenue | | |0 |
|6200 |Processing Fees Revenue | |100 |100 |
|62002 |Processing Fees Revenue - Knechtel | |100 |100 |
|6300 |Fees Revenue | |424.93 |424.93 |
|63002 |Fees Revenue - Knechtel | |424.93 |424.93 |
Here is what I came up with and was able to get really close to matching your desired output
coa.accountDescription,coa.accountnumber,coa.accountnumber as parentaccount
FROM ChartOfAccounts coa
where iscontrolaccount=1
union all select c.accountdescription, coa.accountnumber, c.ParentAccount
from chartofaccounts coa
inner join cteacc c on coa.ParentAccountNumber=c.accountnumber
select parentaccount as [Account#], accountdescription as [Acc Desc],
sum(case when isdebit=1 then amount else 0 end) as DR,
sum(case when isdebit=0 then amount else 0 end) as CR,
sum(case when isdebit=1 then amount else 0 end)-sum(case when isdebit=0 then amount else 0 end) as BAL
from (select c.accountdescription, c.accountnumber,
c.parentaccount, l.isdebit, l.amount
from cteacc c
left join ledger l
on c.accountnumber=l.accountnumber
union all select c.accountdescription,
c.accountnumber, c.accountnumber as parentaccount,
l.isdebit, l.amount
from ChartOfAccounts c
inner join ledger l
on c.accountnumber=l.accountnumber where amount<>0) f
group by parentaccount, accountdescription
order by parentaccount
Here is the sql fiddle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!3/d94bc/106