Does anyone know how to have a tab bar controller and then have a series of screens connected to the tab. These screens would still have the tab bar controller in them with out adding another tab for these screens. I read it was not possible to have a navigation controller inside of a tab bar controller but the facebook app has exactly what i'm trying to reproduce. Help!
Here is a picture of what i'm talking about:
If you look at this picture i'm trying to figure out how to add view controllers after the "design" tab but i still want them to have the tab bar on the pages but go back and forth smoothly like if there was a navigation controller present. I have seen this done in the Facebook app i just don't know how to replicate it!
"I read it was not possible to have a navigation controller inside of a tab bar controller" => Where did you read that ? You can set navigation controllers on the tabs.
Simply drag the Navigation controller component on the storyboard and link it from the tab bar controller.