I'm getting this message after I press "run":
Reported Phishing Website Ahead! Google Chrome has blocked access to fiddle.jshell.net. This website has been reported as a phishing website. Phishing websites are designed to trick you into disclosing your login, password or other sensitive information by disguising themselves as other websites you may trust. Learn more Go back Advanced
Here's a screenshot :
Here are some informations about fiddle.jshell.net:
http://www.webutations.org/go/review/fiddle.jshell.net and http://support.clean-mx.com/clean-mx/phishing.php?domain=jshell.net&sort=id%20DESC
Also, here Google explains Google Chrome 17+ Speed and Security policies: http://chrome.blogspot.ro/2012/01/speed-and-security.html
However, people can submit pishing websites that will be analized and tested.
Google's Diagnostic Webpage: http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=fiddle.jshell.net
My suggestion is to upgrade your browser version even though Google says that it is Secured.