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Ninject retrieve Custom Attributes on parameters inside interceptor

I am attempting to enumerate the parameters of a decorated method to retrieve the custom attributes applied to those parameters to determine a specific value.

I have the following in my interceptor, which shows two different methods that I tried to use, both retreiving and enumerating GetParameters but one using IsDefined and the other using GetCustomAttributes:

public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)

        var parameters = invocation.Request.Method.GetParameters();
        for (int index = 0; index < parameters.Length; index++)
            foreach (var attrs in parameters[index]
                .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EmulatedUserAttribute), true))



        foreach (var param in invocation.Request.Method.GetParameters())
            if (param.IsDefined(typeof (EmulatedUserAttribute), false))
                invocation.Request.Arguments[param.Position] = 12345;


    catch(Exception ex)

The attribute I am looking for is simple, no implementation:

public class EmulatedUserAttribute : Attribute { }

And the InterceptAttribute:

public class EmulateAttribute : InterceptAttribute
    public override IInterceptor CreateInterceptor(IProxyRequest request)
        return request.Context.Kernel.Get<IEmulateUserInterceptor>();

And the method I am intercepting:

public virtual List<UserAssociation> GetAssociatedProviders([EmulatedUser] int userId)
    return _assocProvAccountRepo.GetAssociatedProviders(userId);

As you can see I decorated the userId with the EmulatedUser attribute, and the method with my interceptor attribute. Everything else works fine except that I cannot see the attribute on userId.

Any ideas why I cant see custom attributes on the method? Im guessing it has something to do with the Method not being the actual "invocation target" but I dont see any way to get around this. Please help!


  • Brandon,

    Try this code out. I have made it work just fine. Here is how I defined the classes:

    public class Interceptor : SimpleInterceptor
        protected override void BeforeInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
            var invokedMethod = invocation.Request.Method;
            if (invokedMethod.IsDefined(typeof(EmulateAttribute), true))
                var methodParameters = invokedMethod.GetParameters();
                for (int i = 0; i < methodParameters.Length; i++)
                    var param = methodParameters[i];
                    if (param.IsDefined(typeof (EmulatedUserAttribute), true))
                        invocation.Request.Arguments[i] = 5678;
    public interface IIntercepted
        void InterceptedMethod([EmulatedUser] int userId);
    public class Intercepted : IIntercepted
        public void InterceptedMethod([EmulatedUser] int userId)
            Console.WriteLine("UserID: {0}", userId);

    I am requesting an instance of IIntercepted instead of Intercepted. If I request the concrete class, the interception will not work. Maybe this can get you in the right path.

    var kernel = new StandardKernel();
    var target = kernel.Get<IIntercepted>();
    target.InterceptedMethod(1234); // Outputs 5678