I am using PM2 to keep Ghost (blogging platform) alive and I need a Cron Job to restart Ghost in the event of a server reboot. However, I am unsure of the proper code for the Cron Job.
I read that this is what I am to use:
@reboot /usr/local/bin/npm start /path/to/ghost/
but instead of using npm start
should I replace it with pm2 start index.js
which is what I use to start Ghost with PM2?
Note: I do not have root access and I cannot use pm2 startup
. This is why I am using a Cron Job. Also this area is new to me; please provide examples.
Yes I would put the pm2 command in the cron job. To make sure pm2 starts your Ghost blog in the correct environment run the following command:
echo "export NODE_ENV=production" >> ~/.profile
and this is the command you will want to put in the cron job to start Ghost with pm2:
cd /path/to/ghost; pm2 start index.js --name ghost
You can checkout my article on pm2 here for some more details and options.