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Silent client registration for Subscription Management Tool (SMT)

In the documentation for the Subscription Management Tool (SMT) for Suse repository management, there are 4 ways to register a client with the SMT server.

One of these is by running the script. The documentation does not explain any way to perform a silent installation using this script, but is there any way to achieve it?


  • In the source of the script the following line of documentation can be found:

    Usage: $0 --host <hostname of the SMT server> [--fingerprint <fingerprint of server cert>] [--yes]

    The two options --fingerprint and --yes are the options we need.

    --fingerprint is the CA certificate fingerprint. The CA certificate can be found on the SMT server at http://FQDN/smt.crt (FQDN). Alternatively it can be accessed at /srv/www/htdocs/smt.crt.

    Getting the fingerprint from the server is most easily done by deliberately specifying an invalid fingerprint in the script's --fingerprint option: --host <hostname of the SMT server> --fingerprint 'somestring' --yes

    This will return:

    Server fingerprint: <actual server fingerprint> and given fingerprint:  <wrong server fingerprint> do not match, not accepting cert. Abort.

    Copy the server fingerprint and paste it into the command as so: --host <hostname of the SMT server> --fingerprint '<actual server fingerprint>' --yes

    The above command will run silently.