I have a list of names alphabetically, like:
list = ['ABC', 'ACE', 'BED', 'BRT', 'CCD', ..]
How can I get element from each starting letter? Do I have to iterate the list one time? or Does python has some function to do it? New to python, this may be a really naive problem.
Suppose I want to get the second element from names that starts from 'A', this case I get 'ACE'.
If you're going to do multiple searches, you should take the one-time hit of iterating through everything and build a dictionary (or, to make it simpler, collections.defaultdict
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
words = ['ABC', 'ACE', 'BED', 'BRT', 'CCD', ...]
for word in words:
(Note that you shouldn't name your own variable list
, as it shadows the built-in.)
Now you can easily query for the second word starting with "A"
d["A"][1] == "ACE"
or the first two words for each letter:
first_two = {c: w[:2] for c, w in d.items()}