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Creating new matrix from cell with some empty cells disregarding empty cells

I have in Matlab a cell named: elem

 [36 29]
 [30 29]
 [30 18]
 [31 29]
 [8 9]
 [32 30]

and a matrix named: conn

1   2
1   3
1   4
1   5
2   3
2   4
2   5
3   4
3   5
4   5

and i want to make 2 new matrices which will contain only the elements that correspond to non-empty cells of elem without using a for loop. For example the correct result would be:

29  36
29  30
18  30
29  31
8   9
30  32


1   2
1   4
1   5
2   4
3   5
4   5

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • inds = ~cellfun('isempty', elem);    %// NOTE: faster than anonymous function
    conn = conn(inds,:);
    elem = elem(inds);                   %// (preservative)


    inds = cellfun('isempty', elem);     %// NOTE: faster than anonymous function
    conn(inds,:) = [];
    elem(inds  ) = [];                   %// (destructive)


    inds = cellfun(@(x)isequal(x,[]), elem)  %// NOTE: stricter; evaluates to false 
    conn = conn(inds,:);                     %// when the 'empties' are '' or {}
    elem = elem(inds);                       %// or struct([])


    inds = cellfun(@(x)isequal(x,[]), elem)  %// "
    conn(inds,:) = [];
    elem(inds  ) = [];


    inds = cellfun(@numel, elem)==2    %// NOTE: even stricter; only evaluates to 
    conn = conn(inds,:);               %// true when there are exactly 2 elements 
    elem = elem(inds);                 %// in the entry


    inds = cellfun(@numel, elem)==2    %// " 
    conn(inds,:) = [];
    elem(inds  ) = [];

    or (if you're just interested in elem)

    elem = cell2mat(elem)


    elem = cat(1,elem{:})  %// NOTE: probably the fastest of them all