I'm trying to create a snapshot view via perl script which is working fine. Currently trying to write a config spec that loads based on label for that view. Problem I'm facing is root directory doesnot have this label. so below config spec is falling. I can't add main/latest because I need files only with this label.
element * CHECKEDOUT
load \vobname
element * labelname-nocheckout
element * -none
Try adding a rule just for the root directory /vobname
element * CHECKEDOUT
element /vobname /main/LATEST
element * labelname-nocheckout
element * -none
load /vobname
A few comments:
, even on Windows. '/
' is fineelement /vobname /main/LATEST
is placed first.element /vobname /main/LATEST
is only for the folder /vobname
(not for any of its sub-folder elements)