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How do I show a general_query log with Sequel gem in terminal

I have a webserver that uses Sinatra and the Sequel gem. I would like to know if it is possible to print every query executed into the console.

I found in the Sequel documentation that I can setup a log file path.

You can also specify optional parameters, such as the connection pool size, or loggers for logging SQL queries:

DB = Sequel.connect("postgres://user:password@host:port/database_name",  
:max_connections => 10, :logger =>'log/db.log'))

However I was unable to find anything about printing the queries into the console rather than a log.


  • You can, and you can log to multiple loggers too, see example below

    db_location_test = "/db/reservation.accdb"
    log_file_path = "#{__FILE__}_#{"%Y%m%d")}.txt"
    log_file =, "a")
    $filelog = log_file
    $console = STDOUT
    $ "connecting to access database" #only logged to console
    sConnectionStringAccess = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=#{db_location_test}"
    #sql will be logged to both file and console
    DBA = Sequel.ado(:conn_string=>sConnectionStringAccess, :loggers=>[$filelog,$console])
    class Reservations < Sequel::Model(:TABLE_RESERVATIONS);end
    Reservations.all.each do |record|
      $ Hash[record]