AppFog claims that I am using both of my available services, when in reality I have deleted the services that were in use. (I had MySQL databases attached to a couple of apps I was using, but when I deleted the apps, I also deleted the services... they just never free'd up for some reason)
Anyone have any suggestions on how I might reclaim those lost services? It's kinda hard to have apps without services and it won't show me anything to unbind or delete in order to free up those slots.
C:\Sites>af info
AppFog Free Your Cloud Edition
For support visit
Target: (v0.999)
Client: v0.3.18.12
User: j****[email protected]
Usage: Memory (0B of 512.0M total)
Services (2 of 2 total)
Apps (0 of 2 total)
C:\Sites>af services
============== System Services ==============
| Service | Version | Description |
| mongodb | 1.8 | MongoDB NoSQL store |
| mongodb2 | 2.4.8 | MongoDB2 NoSQL store |
| mysql | 5.1 | MySQL database service |
| postgresql | 9.1 | PostgreSQL database service |
| rabbitmq | 2.4 | RabbitMQ message queue |
| redis | 2.2 | Redis key-value store service |
=========== Provisioned Services ============
Probably easiest to email [email protected] and get them to look into it.