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How to make bundles unminify and list individual files when using a cookieless static content server?

I have two VS projects, one for the main website and one for a "static content" website where all the css, js, images, and other static content will be stored and accessed via a cookieless domain.

So I have a BundleConfig.cs in my static site that creates all the bundles:

public class BundleConfig
    public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
        bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/styles").IncludeDirectory("~/app/styles", "*.css", true));
        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/scripts").IncludeDirectory("~/app/src", "*.js", true));

And in the main site I have another BundleConfig.cs where I point the main site to the static content site like this:

public class BundleConfig
    public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
        var staticWebsite = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaticWebsite"];
        var versionNumber = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VersionNumber"];

        Styles.DefaultTagFormat = string.Format("<link href='{0}{{0}}?v={1}' rel='stylesheet'/>", staticWebsite, versionNumber);
        Scripts.DefaultTagFormat = string.Format("<script src='{0}{{0}}?v={1}'></script>", staticWebsite, versionNumber);


Now I can use @Styles.Render("~/bundles/styles") and @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/scripts") which render like this, just the way I want and it works great:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
<script src=''></script>

The problem I have is that the content is always minified and bundled regardless of whether debug=true or not. Even if I use BundleTable.EnableOptimization = false in both BundleConfig.cs files, @Styles.Render() and @Scripts.Render() still only render one tag each and refer to content that is minified.

I understand that the main site would have no knowledge of the individual files that were bundled in the static content site, but my hope is that there is some way to manually specify these paths in the main site BundleConfig so that the Render() methods can list them individually when optimizations are off... if I can ever get them to turn off, that is.


  • So I was able to get this working by adding a custom VirtualPathProvider which makes the main project search within the static content project for the individual files. When in DEBUG mode, the files are listed individually. When in RELEASE mode, the minified bundles are referenced instead.

    public class BundleConfig
        public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
            var staticWebsite = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaticWebsite"];
            var versionNumber = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VersionNumber"];
            Styles.DefaultTagFormat = string.Format("<link href='{0}{{0}}?v={1}' rel='stylesheet'/>", staticWebsite, versionNumber);
            Scripts.DefaultTagFormat = string.Format("<script src='{0}{{0}}?v={1}'></script>", staticWebsite, versionNumber);
    #if DEBUG
            // Includes files from the static content project so they can be listed individually if in DEBUG mode.
            BundleTable.VirtualPathProvider = new StaticContentVirtualPathProvider();
            bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/styles").IncludeDirectory("~/app/styles", "*.css", true));
            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/scripts").IncludeDirectory("~/app/src", "*.js", true));

    Here is my custom VirtualPathProvider:

    public class StaticContentVirtualPathProvider : VirtualPathProvider
        // Modify this to be the relative path from your main project to your static content project.
        private const string StaticContentRelativePath = @"..\..\MyStaticContentProjectFolder";
        public static string GetStaticContentPath(string virtualPath, bool isDirectory = false)
            virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace('/', '\\').Replace("~", "");
            if (isDirectory && !virtualPath.EndsWith("\\")) virtualPath += "\\";
            return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + StaticContentRelativePath + virtualPath;
        public override bool FileExists(string virtualPath)
            return File.Exists(GetStaticContentPath(virtualPath));
        public override bool DirectoryExists(string virtualDir)
            return Directory.Exists(GetStaticContentPath(virtualDir));
        public override VirtualFile GetFile(string virtualPath)
            return new StaticContentVirtualFile(virtualPath);
        public override VirtualDirectory GetDirectory(string virtualDir)
            return new StaticContentVirtualDirectory(virtualDir);
        private class StaticContentVirtualFile : VirtualFile
            public StaticContentVirtualFile(string virtualPath)
                : base(virtualPath)
                this.virtualPath = virtualPath;
            private readonly string virtualPath;
            public override Stream Open()
                return new FileStream(StaticContentVirtualPathProvider.GetStaticContentPath(virtualPath), FileMode.Open);
        internal class StaticContentVirtualDirectory : VirtualDirectory
            public StaticContentVirtualDirectory(string virtualPath)
                : base(virtualPath)
            public override IEnumerable Files
                    var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(GetStaticContentPath(this.VirtualPath, true));
                    var files = filePaths.Select(filePath => new StaticContentVirtualFile(this.VirtualPath + Path.GetFileName(filePath))).ToList();
                    return files;
            public override IEnumerable Directories
                    var subDirectoryPaths = Directory.GetDirectories(GetStaticContentPath(this.VirtualPath, true));
                    var dirs = subDirectoryPaths.Select(subDirectoryPath => new StaticContentVirtualDirectory(this.VirtualPath + Path.GetFileName(subDirectoryPath))).ToList();
                    return dirs;
            public override IEnumerable Children { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }