I'm not used to MySql (or any SQL at all) but for a project, I need to get a value from an association table.
Let's say I have these tables :
fld_id = 4
fld_name = 'Black'
fld_id = 1
fk_prod_id = 4
fk_color_id = 1
What I need to do is, based on a product id (4), I want the name of the color associated to the product. I did things like this :
SELECT fld_name FROM tbl_colors
INNER JOIN tbl_products
ON tbl_products.fld_id = tbl_product_colors.fk_prod_id
WHERE tbl_products.fld_id = 4
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you
You can do this:
SELECT fld_name
FROM (tbl_product_colors JOIN tbl_product
ON tbl_product_colors.fk_prod_id = tbl_product.fld_id) JOIN
tbl_colors ON tbl_product_colors.fk_color_id = tbl_colors.fld_id