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powershell script to add computername to AD group

I know the command to add the computer to an AD group, but don't know how to create a script for it using powershell?

Here's the command:

add-ADGroupMember "BRS-Groupname" -members "BAT-100971$"

I would like to get the code and extension to name it to for adding a computer account to the AD group. It would be great to have the script ask for the computername I want to be added! Thanks in advance.


  • So you want user input, and than you'd like to take that input and use it within your command?

    Something like this?

    $myVar1 = Read-Host "I have a question?"
    $myVar2 = Read-Host "I have a second question?"
    add-ADGroupMember "$var1" -members "$myVar2"