This is my Log text:
03/17/2014 13:48:40.016- null - PFM_DIP_SERVER_001:Virus infected content detected while scanning file; File name: 2MBVirusTextFile.txt
From the above Log text i want to get the middle string i.e:
Virus infected content detected while scanning file
How do i get only this string ?
I have written the below code:
result=`tail /home/eng/Shellscripts/result.txt | grep "PFM_DIP_SERVER_001:" | cut -f1 -d";" `
echo "$result"
03/17/2014 13:48:40.016- null - PFM_DIP_SERVER_001:Virus infected content detected while scanning file
You can try this,
tail result.txt | grep -o "PFM_DIP_SERVER_001:[^;]*" | cut -d: -f2