I have string
I need to get 2 strings containing in rect64('string')
So answer will be array of strings : 3f845bcb59418507, 9eb15e89b6b584c1.
Should I use Regex.Match? and how it can be done?
Use Regex.Matches
For example:
String text = "faces=rect64(3f845bcb59418507),8e62398ebda8c1a5;rect64(9eb15e89b6b584c1),d10a8325c557b085";
Regex re = new Regex(@"rect64\(([a-f0-9]+)\)");
foreach (Match match in re.Matches(text)) {
Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[1]); // print the captured group 1
See a demo: http://ideone.com/Oayuo5