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XAMPP + WAMP very slow over the weekend?

I use xampp for half a year now, with xdebug and some other extensions. Everything is fine but now, over the weekend it magically went horrible slow. Does not matter if i enter "localhost", "" or my LAN-IP.

So i installed WAMP. As i know now, WAMP for x64 is a waste of time - (CURL not working) so i installed WAMP x32.

CURL is working so far but the page still takes over a minute to load! Not building the page, not processing the code, to me it looks hardly like it takes a minute to start processing.

Sadly, can anyone recommend a fully working php-apache-mysql bundle for windows that is working as expected with all provided extensions in 2014?? Would be nice if that package/software (if it exists) would work as expected without need to modify registry, systemfiles, dll's and without spending hours and hours to get a simple page-request working.

Last but not least, the content of my host-file:

#::1             localhost localhost

I tried really everything i found on the web so far. Nothing helps. Theres a similar question to this on Stackoverflow - without any useful (fixing) answer.

Collective Information:

  • XAMPP and WAMPP are slow
  • localhost/ in URL does not affect performance
  • the webserver does not take long to perform requests
  • the websever does need about 60 seconds to recieve a request
  • cross-browser tested
  • with killed session tested


  • You could try removing the line

    from your HOSTS file.

    It is an illegal instruction anyway, but I have know it to cause loops. Does you PHP error file or Apache error file tell you anything useful?

    Was this something you added, just before the system slowed down?


    Also changing these settings has been known to help on Windows systems, you may need to add then to your httpd.conf if they dont already exist.

    AcceptFilter http none
    AcceptFilter https none