I'm using Python 2.7.6 ctypes struct:
class TestStruct(Structure):
And I get datas from udp like this:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
print("Starting Receiving......")
while True:
(data,addr) = sock.recvfrom(1024)
t = cast( data, POINTER(TestStruct))
print t.ValueA
except Exception,ex:
print ex
As you can see , I'm using "cast", but what it converted is the one whose type looks like:"main.LP_TestStruct".
I wanna get is TestStruct object , what function should I use ? Thanks!
You can do t.contents
to get the object the pointer points to (TestStruct). But I imagine you'd be even better off using Python's struct
module for this (as @eryksun mentioned).