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androidmultithreadingpostuser-interfacerunnable is not working when it's called at onStart in a new Thread

Why Android have this behavior and how fix the problem ? I just alloc a new object in a new Thread, this Object take a view to post a Log message.

My activity send messages to a new object :

public class WebView2ImageView extends Activity
    private View rootView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        this.rootView = (View) findViewById(;

    protected void onStart()

        // This work :
        new Page(WebView2ImageView.this.rootView, "This message is displayed");

        // This don't work :
        (new Thread(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                // (But Work if I wait with Thread.sleep(ms)) :
                new Page(WebView2ImageView.this.rootView, "This one not, why ?");

The object receiver :

public class Page
    public Page(View rootView, final String message)
    { Runnable()
            public void run()
                Log.e("", message);


  • We must change the constructor :

    new Page(WebView2ImageView.this, "This message is displayed");

    And use runOnUiThread :

    this.webView2ImageView.runOnUiThread (new Runnable() [...]