I want to select certain id's from mysql and save the results into associated php vars:
For Example: save COL "Name" from ID "20" to Var: $id20 = "Name";
$queryCS = 'SELECT * FROM ya_events WHERE id IN (20, 16, 21, 37, 40)';
$result = mysql_query($queryCS,$yaDB);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == '') {'';} else
{while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$id.$row['id'] = $row['name'];
echo "ID16: ".$id16;
But $id16 seems to be empty
It's a better idea to use arrays:
while (...) {
$ids[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
echo $ids[16];
But, if you really want a bunch of variables lying around:
${'id' . $row['id']} = $row['name'];