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Remote rsync in parallel

I'm trying to run rsync over ssh in parallel to transfer files between two machines for evaluation purposes. I wanna see how faster can I get compared to a single rsync process.

I tried these two solutions: but with no great success. (I couldn't make it work)

Based on the first link I run a command like this:

ssh HOST "mkdir -p ~/destdir/basefolder"
cd ./basefolder; ls | xargs -n1 -P 4 -I% rsync -arvuz -e ssh % HOST:~/destdir/basefolder/.

and I get the files transfered, but it doesn't seem to work well... In this case, It will run a process for every file and folder in the basefolder, but when it finds a folder, it will transfer everything inside that folder using only 1 process.

I tried to use find -type f, but I got problems because I loose the file hierarchy.

Does anyone how some methods to do what I want? (Use rsync in parallel over ssh while keeping files and folders hierarchy).


  • Since you tagged your question 'gnu-parallel' the obvious is to refer you to

    cd src-dir; find . -type f -size +100000 | parallel -v ssh fooserver mkdir -p /dest-dir/{//}\;rsync -Havessh {} fooserver:/dest-dir/{}