I have a button, proceedBtn. I set it in the interface builder to disable. I have radio buttons that I want to be selected before proceedBtn to be enabled. How to I set proceedBtn to enabled in the onRadioBtn function.
Singleton *single = [Singleton sharedInstance];
_statusLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Selected: %@", sender.titleLabel.text];
single.rb = sender.titleLabel.text;
NSLog(@"%@", sender.titleLabel.text);
- (IBAction)proceedBtn:(UIButton *)sender
Singleton *single = [Singleton sharedInstance];
NSLog(@"%@", single.rb);
if([single.rb isEqualToString: @"Choose Friend(s)"])
[self nameWallToFriends];
[self nameWallToChooseHome];
write a global IBOutlet(in .h interface file) for your button and enable or disable where ever required.