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Need help configuring jQWidgets grid

I have tried to create table that will use mySQL table to find values. Also it should filter rows by given results. For example I have Name, Surname, Nationality, Age. I need to search for all results with Name John, Age 22 and 23. In other words something similar to Pivot Tables of Excel. I have a lot of data in my table and would like to export it from Excel to for example .xml and import it to .sql database.

I have found plugin called jqxgrid but cant get it to work properly. Here is my site: I have made database and connected it in the file "/connect.php" and "/data.php" but my "/index.html" doesn't display anything. Can anybody help me?


  • jQuery is not defined. That is at least what the Google Chrome Debugger displays in its Console. I suggest you to check whether the reference to jQuery Framework on you page is correct.