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Disabling implicit animations in -[CALayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:]

I've got a layer with some complex drawing code in its -drawInContext: method. I'm trying to minimize the amount of drawing I need to do, so I'm using -setNeedsDisplayInRect: to update just the changed parts. This is working splendidly. However, when the graphics system updates my layer, it's transitioning from the old to the new image using a cross-fade. I'd like it to switch over instantly.

I've tried using CATransaction to turn off actions and set the duration to zero, and neither work. Here's the code I'm using:

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setDisableActions: YES];
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect: rect];
[CATransaction commit];

Is there a different method on CATransaction I should use instead (I also tried -setValue:forKey: with kCATransactionDisableActions, same result).


  • You can do this by setting the actions dictionary on the layer to return [NSNull null] as an animation for the appropriate key. For example, I use

    NSDictionary *newActions = @{
        @"onOrderIn": [NSNull null],
        @"onOrderOut": [NSNull null],
        @"sublayers": [NSNull null],
        @"contents": [NSNull null],
        @"bounds": [NSNull null]
    layer.actions = newActions;

    to disable fade in / out animations on insertion or change of sublayers within one of my layers, as well as changes in the size and contents of the layer. I believe the contents key is the one you're looking for in order to prevent the crossfade on updated drawing.

    Swift version:

    let newActions = [
            "onOrderIn": NSNull(),
            "onOrderOut": NSNull(),
            "sublayers": NSNull(),
            "contents": NSNull(),
            "bounds": NSNull(),