I'm banging my head trying to figure out why I can't get my equations to not return as Zero as it seems that for some reason the MathOperations methods aren't doing there job? If anyone could help I would much appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
class MathUI
public void PromptForInt()
MathOperations ops = new MathOperations();
Console.WriteLine("Enter first number to calculate");
ops.Operand1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("\nEnter second number to calculate");
ops.Operand2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
public void PromptForChoice()
int choice;
MathOperations result = new MathOperations();
Console.WriteLine("\nWhat type of operation would you like to perform?");
Console.WriteLine("[1] Add \n[2] Subtract \n[3] Multiply \n[4] Divide \n[5] Exit \n");
Console.Write("Enter your choice: ");
choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (choice == 1)
else if (choice == 2)
else if (choice == 3)
else if (choice == 4)
else if (choice == 5)
Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid input entered!");
class MathOperations
private int operand1;
private int operand2;
public int Operand1
return operand1;
operand1 = value;
public int Operand2
return operand2;
operand2 = value;
public MathOperations()
operand1 = 0;
operand2 = 0;
public int AddNumbers()
return operand1 + operand2;
public int SubtractNumbers()
return operand1 - operand2;
public float DivideNumbers()
return (float)operand1 / (float)operand2; // (float) used to show output with decimal point
public int MultiplyNumbers()
return operand1 * operand2;
You are setting values for operand1 and operand2 for ops object but not result object.
MathOperations ops = new MathOperations();
Console.WriteLine("Enter first number to calculate");
ops.Operand1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("\nEnter second number to calculate");
ops.Operand2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
but calling methods on result object whose operand1 and operand2 are initialized to 0 and hence the return values of functions. Remember ops' operand1 and operand2 hold user's input, not result's operand1 and operand2. You should use same ops object for result calculation.