I'm extracting my Scala Swing applications in separate modules. And I don't want to have the Scala Library
from the IDE in the classpath because it also includes Scala Swing.
I've changed the following classpathentry
That works as expected but I found that the sbteclipse plugin supports classpathTransformerFactories
, which can do it automatically.
How can classpathTransformerFactories
help me with the use case?
What I had to do was implementing the following in my Build.scala
// sbteclipse rewrite rules
object ClasspathentryRewriteRule extends RewriteRule {
override def transform(parent: Node): Seq[Node] = {
parent match {
case c @ <classpathentry/> if (c \ "@path").toString().endsWith("SCALA_CONTAINER") =>
val home = System.getProperty("user.home")
val base = s"""$home\\.ivy2\\cache\\org.scala-lang\\scala-library"""
val srcPath = s"""${base}\\srcs\\scala-library-${D.scalaVersion}-sources.jar"""
val path = s"""${base}\\jars\\scala-library-${D.scalaVersion}.jar"""
<classpathentry sourcepath={ srcPath } kind="lib" path={ path }/>
case other => other
// sbteclipse transformer
object ClasspathentryTransformer extends EclipseTransformerFactory[RewriteRule] {
override def createTransformer(ref: ProjectRef, state: State): Validation[RewriteRule] = {
In the setting the following code completed the job:
EclipseKeys.classpathTransformerFactories := Seq(ClasspathentryTransformer)