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How to install a tagged version (i.e. not a snapshot) of your project locally and not to the maven central?

So I have done mvn release:clean and mvn release:prepare.

As a result I have a clean tag on my subversion with the latest version 1.3.3 of my artifact.

Now I want to install that version 1.3.3 on my local maven repo (.m2) and NOT to the remote central maven repo.

How to do that?

Do I need to change something on my settings.xml ???

Do I need to run mvn release:perform with some kind of local options ??? Right now if I run mvn release:perform it will try to release my artifact to the maven central repo, which is exactly what I do not want. I want to release it locally to my other local projects, so I can do:


Interestingly enough, snapshots work fine:


So I am installing snapshots, but not full releases.

Here is my settings.xml:










  • The simplest thing to do is to checkout the tag in another directory and then run

    mvn install

    However, if you want to use release:perform, you need to change the goals. is the parameter, make it say install instead of deploy.